
An efficient and straightforward software solution designed for helping you process markdown documents and generate professional-looking files

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Haroopad - The Next Document processor based on Markdown - Sending beautiful email. The ability to send e-mail with excellent readability. Markdown the original, was created by focusing an expression that was used as a habit to e-mail creation. Haroopad release note. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. PKGBUILD for Haroopad v0.13.2 with better support for older integrated Intel GPUs (v0.13.1 doesn't run on my GMA3150 box, new one does). Source and original Haroopad notice. Markdownish syntax for generating flowcharts, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, gantt charts and git graphs.

What's new in Haroopad 0.13.1:

  • New Features:
  • Displays the number of tasks that are not completed in the app badge
  • Added two themes into editor. tomorrow-night-bright, zenburn
Read the full changelog

Haroopad is a straightforward and easy to use utility fashioned for helping you create web-friendly and professional-looking documents.

Intuitive and comprehensible graphic user interface

In order to keep things simple and intuitive, the layout of Haroopad seems quite neatly organized in a dual panel structure, so you can view the changes you make to your project in real time.

The preview frame and the text editor that serves as your actual workspace are side by side, enabling you to easily coordinate your actions while working.

The program comes with a large collection of visual skins to choose from, making the program highly customizable, in order for the user to have a more personal experience while working with Haroopad.

In the lower side of the application, you can find an useful word counter which informs you about the number of lines you have written, number of words, paragraphs and web links.

A useful syntax helper at your disposal

Quickly accessible either from the cogwheel icon or from its own shortcut key, the syntax helper allows you to easily insert code strings into your text, in order to enhance it the way you prefer.

Special characters can be added to your text, such as various types of headers, highlights, the underline or the strikethrough effect, allowing you to personalize and beautify your block of text.

By using Haroopad, you can easily create more professional-looking presentations, reports, e-mails, sliders or blog posts, even if you are an amateur user of the application.

Also, you can split your text document in two or three columns, allowing you to create neatly outlined blocks of text, perfectly framed in the available space.

An easy to use and reliable text editor

Thanks to its intuitive and ergonomic layout, and also to the multitude of customization you can bring to your documents with Haroopad, it is easy to assess that the application is an inspired and effective solution for those who need to format their text files.

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Haroopad was reviewed by Sorin Apostol
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Haroopad 0.13.1

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Haroopad Review

runs on:
Windows 8 32/64 bit
Windows 7 32/64 bit
file size:
36 MB
main category:
Office tools
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